Saturday, November 8, 2014

Nigerian Big-womanism, Fake Friends, And Finding Your Authentic Self - Ekene Onu

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By Ekene Onu

Yesterday, I saw Gina Prince Bythewood, writer/director at a private advance screening of her new film ‪#‎beyondthelights‬ and she has an incredible body of work including love and basketball and the secret life of bees. She answered questions so graciously and carried herself so beautifully, without pretension or arrogance. Even when a woman in the audience joked about auditoning for her, she laughed but offered the woman her casting directors information and treated her with respect.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Should I Leave or Should I Stay by Ekene Onu

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Sometimes I get the question, should I leave or should I stay. I never give an opinion. I believe you should do as your heart, mind and spirit leads you to. What I do say is this...You can begin the healing process exactly where you are and as you heal and grow, the time will come when you know what to do and find the courage to make whatever choice you choose for yourself.

So how do you begin to heal even in the midst of crappy circumstances? Stop focusing on him(her) and begin to focus on you.

Refresh your spirit by;

1. Reconnecting to yourself. Be quiet. Breathe in and out. Reflect on how God made you and the woman that you still are down deep. I don't care how many mistakes you have made or how imperfect you may seem, you were created by a divine order and not in error. And every day you are given a fresh breath of life. A gift from your creator. Your life is not over. Even if you are constantly in tears...try to remember who you are. And be grateful for that.

2. Reconnect to the people around you. Sometimes we forget that love is all around us. We keep seeking it from one person. And that person may be too damaged to give you what you need. If he cannot or will not love you, it doesn't mean you are unlovable or even unloved. Look around you. Your family, your friends, your children perhaps. Receive their love and give back in return. Cultivate the relationships that feed your soul.